Chaiyakunapruk N. Defining the scope of economic evaluation study. (2008). Journal of Medical Association Thailand, 91(suppl 2):S16-S20.
Saokaew, S; Permsuwan, U; Chaiyakunapruk, N; Nathisuwan, S; Sukonthasarn, A. Effectiveness of pharmacist-participated warfarin therapy management: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J. Thromb. Haemost.. 2010; 8(11):2418-2427.
Chaiyakunapruk N, Upakdee N, Nimpitakpong P, Rerkmongkolkul P, Seatao P, Sriworrarat S. (2008). International comparisons in policy of smoking cessation services reimbursement system. Health Policy and Planning Journal (Thailand), 11:3-16.
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Pitanusorn C, Karnchanakorn S, Nipatpimjai S, Chaiyakunapruk N, Nimpitakpong P, Upakdee N. (2008). Development and evaluation of measure to induce smokers for smoking cessation service at community pharmacy by the smoker's closely related person. Journal
Sripalakit, P; Maphanta, S; Saraphanchotiwitthaya, A. Bioequivalence study of two generic formulations of 10 mg montelukast tablets in healthy Thai male volunteers. Int. J. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther.. 2010; 48(9):628-632.
Nimpitakpong P, Chaiyakunapruk N, Dhippayom T, Aromdee J, Chotbunyong S, Charnnarong S. (2010). Drugstores compliance with a National Smoke-free Law: A pilot survey. Public Health, 124:131-135.
Sudchada, P; Oo-Puthinan, S; Kerdpin, O; Saelim, N. ABCB1 gene expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in healthy Thai males and females. Genet. Mol. Res.. 2010; 9(2):1177-1185.
Nimpitakpong P, Chaiyakunapruk N, Dhippayom T. (2010). A national survey of training and smoking cessation services provided by community pharmacies in Thailand. Journal of Community Health, 35:554-559.
Dilokthornsakul P, Chaiyakunapruk N, Nimpitakpong P. (2010). Effects of direct billing system on prescribing patterns in civil-servant medical benefit beneficiaries. Journal of Health System Research (Thailand), 4(1):53-62
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